Special Emphasis Programs
The major goals of FRA’s Special Emphasis Programs are to eliminate discriminatory policies and practices, and to identify and resolve barriers to full employment of a protected class. These programs are to ensure equal representation throughout FRA, to address issues critical to increasing productivity, and to increase our diverse workforce.
Three special emphasis program areas are specifically required by regulation.
- Hispanic Employment Program
- Federal Women's Program
- People with Disabilities Program
In addition, OCR identifies with other programs, which include: the Black Employment Program; the Asian/Pacific Islander Program; and the Native American Program.
FRA endorses the celebration of special observances with appropriate programs and awareness activities to enhance cross-cultural awareness. It is an opportunity to recognize the current achievements and historical contributions made by members of specific racial or ethnic groups in our society. Types of activities include workshops, round-table discussions, training, subject-matter guest speakers in the culture or issue, proclamations, and exhibits.
The SEP Manager also interfaces with community outreach programs and the recruitment and employment of college students.
Federal Women's Programs
- National Women's History Project Program
- Federally Employed Women
- U.S. Department of Labor: Women's Bureau