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Research Results
The Complexities of Rail Suicide Data
Keywords: Rail suicide, suicide data, suicide data sources, data quality, human factors
Technical Reports
Consistent Trespasser Intent Determination Criteria Pilot Project
Keywords: Suicide, trespass, railroad, countermeasure, fatalities, determination criteria, human factors, pilot project
Abstract: This document describes a pilot project that evaluated the potential for developing standardized criteria that railroads can use to determine the probable intent (i.e., suicide...
Research Results
Fatal Trespasser Strikes in the United States: 2012-2017
Keywords: Suicide, trespass, train strike, railroad, fatalities
Abstract: The results of the analysis show that California, New York, Florida, and Texas consistently had the highest number of fatal trespasser strikes, regardless of...
Research Results
Trespasser Intent Determination and Evaluation (TIDE) Criteria
Keywords: Suicide, trespass, railroad, fatalities, intent, determination criteria
Abstract: Findings showed that probable suicide determinations were similar between the official determination by a medical examiner or coroner and the TIDE criteria....
Technical Reports
Review of Suicide Intervention Training Programs
Keywords: Railroad, Safety, Suicide, Training, Suicide Prevention, Transit
Abstract: Nearly one-third of all rail-related fatalities in the U.S. result from an intentional act of suicide. Rail carrier-based strategies to prevent these incidents are not well...
Technical Reports
Railroad Implemented Countermeasures to Prevent Suicide: Review of Public Information
Keywords: Suicide, railroad, trespass, countermeasure, suicide prevention
Abstract: This report discusses 14 rail carriers' suicide prevention efforts. Partnership with suicide prevention group was one of the most common strategies.
Technical Reports
Characteristics of Trespassing Incidents in the United States (2012-2014)
Keywords: Suicide, trespass, railroad, countermeasure, fatalities, grade crossing
Abstract: This study examined rail trespass and suicide incidents from 2012 to 2014, including data on location, time, and characteristics of the individual.
Technical Reports
Reporting of Suicide and Trespass Incidents by Online Media in the United States
Keywords: : Railroad, suicide, trespass, media, reporting, suicide contagion, Werther effect
Abstract: : The reporting of a suicide death in the media has the potential to increase imitative suicide attempts for vulnerable individuals who read the article, a phenomenon known as...
Technical Reports
Countermeasures to Mitigate Intentional Deaths on Railroad Rights-of-Way: Lessons Learned and Next Steps
Keywords: Suicide, railroad, intentional fatality, trespass, countermeasure, suicide prevention, high speed rail
Abstract: Researchers summarized and compared existing strategies for preventing suicides on railroad tracks, including discussion of different points of intervention.
Research Results
Demographic Profile of Intentional Fatalities on Railroad Rights-of-Way in the United States
Keywords: trespassing, trespass, railroad, intentional death, suicide, right-of-way, fatality
Technical Reports
Defining Characteristics of Intentional Fatalities on Railway Rights-of-Way in the United States, 2007–2010
Keywords: Trespassers, Suicide, Safety, Human Factors, Security
Abstract: This report presents aggregate findings from 55 psychological autopsies of decedents who were identified as an intentional death (i.e., a suicide) on railroad rights-of-way...
Other Reports
Rail Trespasser Fatalities - Developing Demographic Profiles, March 2008
Keywords: Demographic; public outreach; at risk; trespassing; trespasser; suicide
Abstract: goal of this study is to establish a foundation upon which to build an outreach or public education program and create law enforcement efforts focused on those most at risk.
Other Reports
Trespasser Bulletin No. 5: Calendar Year 1996
Keywords: Accident Reports, Incident Reports, Casualties
Abstract: [From the Introduction] Trespassers represent the second largest category of deaths associated with the operation of railroads and are only slightly surpassed by deaths that occur...
Other Reports
Trespasser Bulletin: Volume 3, Calendar Year 1993
Keywords: Accident Reports, Incident Reports, Casualties
Abstract: [From the Introduction] The third annual report, issued by the Federal Railroad Administration's (FRA) Office of Safety, provides information concerning trespassers who were...