Interacting with the New FRA Safety Data Website
Select from one of the following topics for information on interacting with the new FRA Safety Data Website:
To access FRA Safety Data reports on Train Accidents, Highway/Rail Grade Crossing Incidents, Casualties, and Other Incidents, click on the the Accident/Incident Reporting card from the homepage: |
Then, use the Left Menu to explore the available reports, or search for a specific report by name or topic by using the search functionality at the top of the Left Menu: |
To access FRA Safety Data reports on Crossing Inventory Data, click on the the Crossing Inventory card from the homepage. |
Then, use the Left Menu to explore the available reports, or search for a specific report by name or topic by using the search functionality at the lop of the Left Menu: |
To access FRA Safety Data forms, guides, and help material, click on the the Forms, Guides, Publications, Data Downloads card from the homepage: |
Then, use the Left Menu to explore the available options, or search for a specific form by name or topic by using the search functionality: |
You can find links to external FRA Safety applications and other useful resources in the Explore FRA Safety Data section, below the three main cards on the homepage:
You can find other useful links, including recent announcements from the FRA Office of Safety Analysis, in the Quick Links section below Explore FRA Safety Data on the homepage: