Part 225 Submittal Methods
What’s happening and why?
FRA is in the process of working through the changes to Part 225 that will update the accident/incident data submission options available to railroads. These updates are needed to bring the reporting requirements up to date and aligned to industry standards.
How can I get more information?
FRA is launching a series of virtual “Part 225 Technical Symposium” public webinars to exchange relevant technical information. Facilitated by FRA, these webinars will provide an overview of key concepts, approaches, and strategies that the FRA is evaluating as part of the updates to the regulation. The sessions will be interactive, providing opportunities for participants to engage in more in-depth discussions.
Part 225 Technical Symposium I
The first Part 225 Technical Symposium session took place on July 17, 2024. Please check out the Part 225 Technical Symposium Session 1 page for the Zoom webinar and Q&A.
Part 225 Technical Symposium II
The second Part 225 Technical Symposium session took place on October 10, 2024. Please check out the Part 225 Technical Symposium Session 2 page for the Zoom webinar and additional resources.
Who do I contact for any questions?
For questions about this initiative, please contact
What is the purpose of the Part 225 Submittal Methods Symposiums?
To gather technical requirements for a new web-based application to submit Part 225 data to the FRA.
How can I get added to the Part225 Distribution List?
Email with the subject line: ‘Part225 Distribution List’ and we will gladly add you.
What types of railroads will be impacted by the Part 225 reporting changes?
All Part 225 reporting railroads.
Who must participate in Part 225 reporting?
All Part 225 railroads must participate.
How long will the Part 225 Submittal Methods symposiums last?
The first symposium will be two hours. The follow-up symposiums may vary in length depending on the outcomes of the first symposium.
Will there be more than one Part 225 Submittal Methods Symposium?
Yes, there will be four symposiums in total. More information and exacts dates and times of the symposiums will be announced on this webpage and through the listserv.
Will the AIRGNET system for Part 225 reporting be replaced by a new system?
Yes, AIRGNET will be replaced by a new web-based application.
Are the proposed Part 225 changes posted?
No, the proposed Part 225 regulatory changes will be posted to the Federal Register later this year. The first technical symposium will be held before then.
Is there anything that can be shared about the Part 225 Submittal Methods changes at this time?
What we do know is that the changes will include 1) No longer be accepting paper form submissions, PDF form submissions via email, or any other medium outside of a web-form (such as Excel), and 2) All users will submit their data via a web-based portal. More on this will be discussed at the symposiums, including the technical requirements for all railroads.