Southeast High-Speed Rail DC to Richmond
Environmental Impact Statement
FRA, in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT), prepared a Tier II Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the 123-mile portion of the Southeast High-Speed Rail (SEHSR) Corridor from Washington, DC to Richmond, VA (referred to as the DC2RVA Project). The environmental study area began at the southern terminus of the Long Bridge over the Potomac River in Arlington, VA and continues south through Richmond, VA to Centralia, VA at the CSXT A-Line/CSXT S-Line junction. The Tier II EIS for the DC2RVA Project involved further analysis to define the preferred alignment and infrastructure required to expand intercity passenger train service for the portion of the SEHSR Corridor from Washington, DC to Richmond, VA. This Tier II EIS is based on the route and service characteristics selected through the 2002 Tier I EIS and Record of Decision for the SEHSR Corridor between Washington, DC and Charlotte, NC.
This Tier II environmental process had four basic goals:
(1) Update and confirm the purpose and need as established in the Tier I EIS for the Washington, DC to Richmond, VA portion of the SEHSR Corridor;
(2) Develop site-specific rail alternatives, generally for the placement of a third track and other improvements along the corridor;
(3) Conduct a detailed evaluation of environmental impacts for the alternatives; and
(4) Select a preferred alternative.
The SEHSR Corridor, one of 11 Federal high-speed passenger rail corridors, was designated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) in 1992 as running from Washington, DC through Richmond, VA and Raleigh, NC to Charlotte, NC. It is part of an overall plan to extend intercity passenger rail service from the Northeast Corridor (Boston, MA to Washington, DC) to points in the Southeast. In 1995, DOT extended the SEHSR Corridor to Hampton Roads, VA. In 1998, DOT created two more extensions: 1) from Charlotte through Spartanburg and Greenville, SC to Atlanta, GA and on through Macon, GA to Jacksonville, FL; and 2) from Raleigh through Columbia, SC and Savannah, GA to Jacksonville, FL and from Atlanta to Birmingham, AL.
A “tiered” approach was adopted for the SEHSR environmental studies because of the length of the corridor. The SEHSR Tier I EIS and Record of Decision covered the entire Washington, DC to Charlotte, NC corridor at a program level, establishing the overall project purpose and need and modal alternative along with the preferred corridor. FRA has advanced several Tier II environmental documents under this Tier I EIS that examine the various segments of the preferred corridor on a more detailed, local level. FRA completed a separate Tier II EIS for the Richmond to Raleigh portion of the SEHSR Corridor in March 2017. The Tier II EIS for the DC2RVA Project that is the subject of this web page examines the Washington, DC to Richmond, VA portion of the SEHSR Corridor.
Additional information on the DC2RVA Project is available on DRPT’s project website.
Environmental Documents
On October 23, 2014, FRA published in the Federal Register a notice of intent to prepare the Tier II EIS for the DC2RVA Project. The notice described the environmental process and detailed the scoping that would take place.
On September 8, 2017, FRA published in the Federal Register the Tier II Draft EIS for the DC2RVA Project in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). During this period, DRPT and FRA held four public meetings in Virginia: one each in Alexandria, Fredericksburg, Ashland, and Richmond. FRA accepted public comments on the Draft EIS for 60 days.
On May 31, 2019, FRA published in the Federal Register the Tier II Final EIS. The Tier II Final EIS provides responses to comments received on the Tier II Draft EIS and addresses compliance under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966, and Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act. The Tier II Final EIS defines FRA’s Preferred Alternative for the DC2RVA Project.
On September 5, 2019, FRA published on its website the Tier II Record of Decision (ROD) for the DC2RVA project. The ROD marks the end of the NEPA process by identifying FRA’s decision, i.e., the Selected Alternative, as well as the incremental approach to implementing the infrastructure and service improvements of the Selected Alternative—including completing design, obtaining permits and regulatory approvals, and implementing mitigation on an incremental basis. The ROD also discusses all factors that were considered in making this decision and summarizes comments received during the 30-day waiting period following the publication of the Tier II Final EIS and provides responses to those comments.
The Draft and Final EIS files as well as the ROD can be accessed via the drop-down menu below.
- DC to Richmond Southeast High Speed Rail Tier II DEIS Executive Summary
- DC to Richmond Southeast High Speed Rail Tier II DEIS
- Part 001_Cover_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 002_Signature Page_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 003_Executive Summary_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 004_Table of Contents_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 005_Chapter 01_Purpose and Need for the Proposed Action_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 006_Chapter 02_Alternatives_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 007_Chapter 03_Affected Environment_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 008_Chapter 04_Environmental Consequences_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 009_Chapter 05_Section 4(f) Evaluation_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 010_Chapter 06_Public Involvement and Agency Coordination_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 011_Chapter 07_DRPT Recommended Preferred Alternative_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 012_Chapter 08_Distribution of Draft EIS_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 013_Chapter 09_List of Preparers_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 014_Chapter 10_Abbreviations and Acronyms_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 015_Chapter 11_Glossary of Commonly Used Terms_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 016_Chapter 12_References_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 017_Chapter 13_Index_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 018_APPENDIX A Alternatives Technical Report_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 019_Appendix A-Attachment A_Corridor Segments
- Part 020_Appendix A-Attachment B_Spreadsheet of Data Received
- Part 021_Appendix A-Attachment C_Environmental Resources Mapbook
- Part 022_Appendix A-Attachment D_Summary of Related Studies
- Part 023_Appendix A-Attachment E_Fredericksburg Bypasses
- Part 024A_Appendix A-Attachment F Part A_NOV Unconstrained Alignment
- Part 024B_Appendix A-Attachment F Part B_NOV Unconstrained Alignment
- Part 025A_Appendix A-Attachment G Part A_NOV Constrained Alignment
- Part 025B_Appendix A-Attachment G Part B_NOV Constrained Alignment
- Part 026A_Appendix A-Attachment H Part A_NOV Hold Bridges Alignment
- Part 026B_Appendix A-Attachment H Part B_NOV Hold Bridges Alignment
- Part 027A_Appendix A-Attachment I Part A_NOV Hold Bridges and Tangents
- Part 027B_Appendix A-Attachment I Part B_NOV Hold Bridges and Tangents
- Part 028A_Appendix A-Attachment J Part A_NOV East Alignment
- Part 028B_Appendix A-Attachment J Part B_NOV East Alignment
- Part 029A_Appendix A-Attachment K Part A_NOV West Alignment
- Part 029B_Appendix A-Attachment K Part B_NOV West Alignment
- Part 030A_Appendix A-Attachment L Part A_NOV 2006 Report Alignment
- Part 030B_Appendix A-Attachment L Part B_NOV 2006 Report Alignment
- Part 031A_Appendix A-Attachment M Part A_NOV Optimized Alignment
- Part 031B_Appendix A-Attachment M Part B_NOV Optimized Alignment
- Part 032_Appendix A-Attachment N_CEN Unconstrained Alternative 1
- Part 033_Appendix A-Attachment O_CEN Unconstrained Alternative 4
- Part 034_Appendix A-Attachment P_CEN Constrained Alignment
- Part 035_Appendix A-Attachment Q_CEN Hold Bridges Alignment
- Part 036_Appendix A-Attachment R_CEN Hold Bridges and Tangents
- Part 037_Appendix A-Attachment S_CEN East Alignment
- Part 038_Appendix A-Attachment T_CEN West Alignment
- Part 039_Appendix A-Attachment U_CEN 2006 Report Alignment
- Part 040_Appendix A-Attachment V_CEN Optimized Alignment
- Part 041_Appendix A-Attachment W_RIC Unconstrained Alignment
- Part 042_Appendix A-Attachment X_RIC Constrained Alignment
- Part 043_Appendix A-Attachment Y_RIC Hold Bridges Alignment
- Part 044_Appendix A-Attachment Z_RIC Hold Bridges and Tangents
- Part 045_Appendix A-Attachment AA_RIC East Alignment
- Part 046_Appendix A-Attachment BB_RIC West Alignment
- Part 047_Appendix A-Attachment CC_RIC MSSO
- Part 048_Appendix A-Attachment DD_RIC MMSO Freight
- Part 049_Appendix A-Attachment EE_RIC SMSO
- Part 050_Appendix A-Attachment FF_RIC MSS SMS FS
- Part 051_Appendix A-Attachment GG_RIC MSS SMS FS Freight
- Part 052_Appendix A-Attachment HH_RIC MSS SMS ShS
- Part 053_Appendix A-Attachment II_RIC MSS SMS SS
- Part 054_Appendix A-Attachment JJ_RIC BSSO
- Part 055_Appendix A-Attachment KK_RIC BVSO A-Line
- Part 056_Appendix A-Attachment LL_RIC BVSO S-Line
- Part 057_Appendix A-Attachment MM_RIC BVSO S-Line Freight
- Part 058_Appendix A-Attachment NN_RIC FC Alignments
- Part 059_Appendix A-Attachment OO_At-Grade Crossing Evaluation
- Part 060_Appendix A-Attachment PP_Chpt 8 Mapbook
- Part 061_Appendix A-Attachment QQ_Track Charts
- Part 062_APPENDIX B Basis of Design Report_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 063_APPENDIX C Build Alternatives Area 1 Arlington_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 064_APPENDIX D Build Alternatives Area 2 NOVA_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 065_APPENDIX E Build Alternatives Area 3 Fredericksburg_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 066_APPENDIX F Build Alternatives Area 4 Central VA_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 067_APPENDIX G Build Alternatives Area 5 Ashland_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 068_APPENDIX H-1 Richmond Build Alternative 6A_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 069_APPENDIX H-2 Richmond Build Alternative 6B-A_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 070_APPENDIX H-3 Richmond Build Alternative 6B-S_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 071_APPENDIX H-4 Richmond Build Alternative 6C_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 072_APPENDIX H-5 Richmond Build Alternative 6D_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 073_APPENDIX H-6 Richmond Build Alternative 6E_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 074_APPENDIX H-7 Richmond Build Alternative 6F_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 075_APPENDIX H-8 Richmond Build Alternative 6G_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 076_APPENDIX I Operations Modeling_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 077_APPENDIX J Ridership_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 078_APPENDIX K Capital Costs_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 079_APPENDIX L Constructability_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 080_APPENDIX M Natural Resources Technical Report_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 081_Appendix M-Attachment A_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 1A-B-C
- Part 082_Appendix M-Attachment B_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 2A
- Part 083_Appendix M-Attachment C_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 3A-B-C
- Part 084_Appendix M-Attachment D_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 4A
- Part 085_Appendix M-Attachment E_Wetlands Mapbook-Ashland Build Alternatives
- Part 086_Appendix M-Attachment F1_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 6A
- Part 087_Appendix M-Attachment F2_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 6B-A
- Part 088_Appendix M-Attachment F3_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 6B-S
- Part 089_Appendix M-Attachment F4_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 6C
- Part 090_Appendix M-Attachment F5_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 6D
- Part 091_Appendix M-Attachment F6_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 6E
- Part 092_Appendix M-Attachment F7_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 6F
- Part 093_Appendix M-Attachment F8_Wetlands Mapbook-Build Alternative 6G
- Part 094_Appendix M-Attachment G1_Stream Assessment
- Part 095A_Appendix M-Attachment G2 Part A_Wetland Determination
- Part 095B_Appendix M-Attachment G2 Part B_Wetland Determination
- Part 096_Appendix M-Attachment H1_Soils-Construction Limitations Mapbook
- Part 097_APPENDIX N USDA-NRCS Farmland Conversion Impacts_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 098_APPENDIX O Hazardous Materials Site Information_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 099_APPENDIX P Noise and Vibration Technical Report_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 100_Appendix P-Attachment A_Noise Area1
- Part 101_Appendix P-Attachment B_Noise Area2
- Part 102_Appendix P-Attachment C_Noise Area3A-B
- Part 103_Appendix P-Attachment D_Noise Area3C
- Part 104_Appendix P-Attachment E_Noise Area4
- Part 105_Appendix P-Attachment F_Noise Area5A-B-D
- Part 106_Appendix P-Attachment G_Noise Area5C
- Part 107_Appendix P-Attachment H_Noise Area6A
- Part 108_Appendix P-Attachment I_Noise Area6BA
- Part 109_Appendix P-Attachment J_Noise Area6C
- Part 110_Appendix P-Attachment K_Noise Area6E
- Part 111_Appendix P-Attachment L_Noise Area6BS
- Part 112_Appendix P-Attachment M_Noise Area6D
- Part 113_Appendix P-Attachment N_Noise Area6F
- Part 114_Appendix P-AttachmentO_Noise Area6G
- Part 115_Appendix P-Attachment P_Vibration Area2
- Part 116_Appendix P-Attachment Q_Vibration Area3A-B
- Part 117_Appendix P-Attachment R_Vibration Area3C
- Part 118_Appendix P-Attachment S_Vibration Area4
- Part 119_Appendix P-Attachment T_Vibration Area5A-B-D
- Part 120_Appendix P-Attachment U_Vibration Area5C
- Part 121_Appendix P-Attachment V_Vibration Area6A-BA-C-E
- Part 122_Appendix P-Attachment W_Vibration Area6BS-D-F-G
- Part 123_APPENDIX Q Community Impact Assessment Technical Report_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 124_APPENDIX R Cultural Resources Reports_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 125_Appendix R-Attachment R1_Architectural Survey ROAF Segment
- Part 126_Appendix R-Attachment R2_Architectural Survey AFFR Segment
- Part 127_Appendix R-Attachment R3_Architectural Survey FRLO Segment
- Part 128_Appendix R-Attachment R4_Architectural Survey LOPC Segment
- Part 129_Appendix R-Attachment R5_Architectural Survey ARDJ Segment
- Part 130_Appendix R-Attachment R6_Architectural Survey DJFB Segment
- Part 131_Appendix R-Attachment R7_Architectural Survey FBHA-HAXR Segment
- Part 132_Appendix R-Attachment R8_Architectural Survey XRGU-MDND Segment
- Part 133_Appendix R-Attachment R9_Architectural Survey NDEL Segment
- Part 134_Appendix R-Attachment R10_Architectural Survey ELGN Segment
- Part 135_Appendix R-Attachment R11_Architectural Survey GNSA-SAAM-BBHW Segment
- Part 136_Appendix R-Attachment R12_Architectural Survey AMCE-AMFY Segment
- Part 137_Appendix R-Attachment R13_Architectural Survey WACE Segment
- Part 138_Appendix R-Attachment R14_Architectural Survey FBBP Segment
- Part 139_Appendix R-Attachment R15_Architectural Survey ASBP Segment
- Part 140_Appendix R-Attachment R16_Architectural Survey - Structures
- Part 141A_Appendix R-Attachment R17 Part A_Phase 1A Archaeological Survey
- Part 141B_Appendix R-Attachment R17 Part B_Phase 1A Archaeological Survey
- Part 142A_Appendix R-Attachment R18 Part A_Phase 1B Archaeological Survey
- Part 142B_Appendix R-Attachment R18 Part B_Phase 1B Archaeological Survey
- Part 143_APPENDIX S Transportation Technical Report_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 144_APPENDIX T Mobile Source Air Toxics Information_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 145_APPENDIX U Section 106 Section 4f Comments-Coordination_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 146_APPENDIX V-Part V1_Scoping Summary Report_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 147_APPENDIX V-Part V2_Property Owner Letters_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part 148_APPENDIX V-Part V3_Social Media Reports_DC2RVA DEIS
- Part01_Cover_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part02_Signature Page_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part03_Project Commitments_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part04_Executive Summary_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part05_Table of Contents_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part06_Chpt 1 Introduction_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part07_Chpt 2 Public Involvement Agency Coordination_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part08_Chpt 3 Additional Information_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part09_Chpt 4 Preferred Alternative_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part10_Chpt 5 Environmental Consequences_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part11a_Chpt 6 Final Section 4f Evaluation Pg 1-42_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part11b_Chpt 6 Final Section 4f Evaluation Pg 43-end_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part12_Chpt 7 Overview of Future Steps_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part13_Appendix A Draft EIS Errata Table_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part14_Appendix B Agency Organization Responses-Introduction_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part15_Appendix B1 Federal_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part16a_Appendix B2 State Pg B60-B137_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part16b_Appendix B2 State Pg B138-B216_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part17_Appendix B3 Local_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part18_Appendix B4 Section 106 Consulting Party_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part19_Appendix B5 Operator_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part20_Appendix B6 Other Organizations_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part21_Appendix C Intro_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part22_Appendix C1 Index_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part23_Appendix C2 Detailed Responses to Public Comment_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part24_Appendix D Introduction_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part25_Appendix D1 Section 106 Determinations_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part26_Appendix D2 LOD Ph I Archaeology Report_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part27_Appendix D3 LOD Reconn Architecture Report_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part28_Appendix D4 Intensive Architecture Report A_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part29_Appendix D5 Intensive Architecture Report B_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part30_Appendix D6_Intensive Architecture Report C_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part31_Appendix E Updated Section 106 and 4f Comments and Coordination_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part32_Appendix E1 Agency Meeting Summaries_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part33_Appendix E2 SHPO Technical Study Correspondence_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part34_Appendix E3 SHPO Project Effect_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part35_Appendix E4 SHPO Concurrence_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part36_Appendix E5 Consulting Party and Public Correspondence_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part37_Appendix E6 Consulting Party and Public Meeting Summaries_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part38_Appendix E7 De Minimis Concurrence_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part39_Appendix E8 Temporary Occupancy Concurrence_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part40_Appendix F Refined Operations Analysis Modeling_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part41_Appendix G CAC Final Summary Report_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part42_Appendix H CTB Resolution_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part43_Appendix I Final Recommendation Report_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part44_Appendix J Richmond Wye Service Yard Alternatives Memo_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part45_Appendix K Section 106 Draft MOA_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part46a_Appendix L Preferred Alternative Mapbook_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part46b_Appendix L Area1-Area2 Part 1_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part46c_Appendix L Area2 Part 2_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part46d_Appendix L Area2 Part3_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part46e_Appendix L Area3_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part46f_Appendix L Area4 Part1_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part46g_Appendix L Area4 Part2_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part46h_Appendix L Area5_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part46i_Appendix L Area6 Part1_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part46j_Appendix L Area6 Part2_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part47_Appendix M Updated Environmental Mapbooks Intro and Index_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part48a_Appendix M1 Wetlands Streams Index Sheets_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part48b_Appendix M1 Wetlands Streams Area1 - Area2 Part1_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part48c_Appendix M1 Wetlands Streams Area2 Part2_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part48d_Appendix M1 Wetlands Streams Area2 Part3_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part48e_Appendix M1 Wetlands Streams Area3_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part48f_Appendix M1 Wetlands Streams Area4 Part1_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part48g_Appendix M1 Wetlands Streams Area4 Part2_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part48h_Appendix M1 Wetlands Streams Area5_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part48i_Appendix M1 Wetlands Streams Area6 Part1_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part48j_Appendix M1 Wetlands Streams Area6 Part2_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part49_Appendix M2 Hazmat Impacts_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part50_Appendix M3 Noise Vibration Mapbook Update_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part51_Appendix M4 SAV_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part52_Appendix M5 Bald Eagles_DC2RVA FEIS
- Part53_Appendix M6 EJ Census Tracts_DC2RVA FEIS
More Information:
For more information on the project, please contact John Winkle, FRA Environmental Protection Specialist, at or 202-493-6067
Permitting Dashboard
The U.S. Permitting Dashboard is an online tool for Federal agencies, project sponsors, and interested members of the public to track the Federal government’s environmental review and authorization processes for large or complex infrastructure projects. The Dashboard is part of a government-wide effort to improve coordination, transparency, and accountability. A link to this project’s page on the Dashboard is below.