Metrolink 111 collision with UP. Chatsworth. Sept 2008

National Transportation Safety Board
Sept 2008: Texting Caused a Collision Between Passenger and Freight Train.
25 Fatalities, 102 Injuries, over $12M in Physical Damage
On Sept. 12, 2008 at 4:22 p.m. a westbound regional Metrolink Train (passenger train) collided head-on with eastbound Union Pacific freight train near Chatsworth, California. The 2 locomotives and 10 cars of the freight train derailed. The passenger train’s locomotive and lead passenger car derailed. The accident resulted in 25 fatalities, including the engineer of the passenger train, and approximately 102 injured passengers. Physical damage exceeded $12 million.
NTSB determined the probable cause was failure of the Metrolink engineer to observe and respond to the red signal aspect at Control Point Topanga because he was texting regarding a meeting with rail fans later that evening.
- National Transportation Safety Board (2008).Collision of Metrolink Train 111 With Union Pacific Train LOF65‐12
Chatsworth, California, September 12, 2008. Railroad Accident Report NTSB/RAR-10/01. Washington, DC, p. 8.
(NTSB, 2008)